Someday we will all leave this earth and die…..
Very few people come to this day with zero regrets…..
Unfortunately, for most, there’s a list of regrets.
In many ways it’s been my privilege for the last 25 years, to hear people’s regrets. It started when I was a young therapist when I would see older clients. I would leave and shake my head and think not me!
It’s never going to be me!
I remember a day over 10 years ago. I was sitting in a recliner looking over the Gulf of Arabia from Bahrain, reminding myself I will not have this regret. EVER. From this moment on, it stops.
Can you guess the #1 regret that people have still to this day?
Once you hear it, I’m sure you’ll be ready to remind yourself what I was thinking 10 years ago and make the adjustments necessary and accomplish your life’s purpose and goals.
I know I was 10 years ago.
The #1 Regret I’ve heard for over 25 years and counting is…..
…..I Wish I’d Had the Determination and Courage to Live a Life True to Myself, Not the Life Others Expected of Me.
Read that again and let it sink in…..
…..I Wish I’d Had the Determination and Courage to Live a Life True to Myself, Not the Life Others Expected of Me.
Not only have I heard this for 25 years or more but I’ve heard it from more women than men. But my educated guess is men don’t want to admit it as much.
I wake up everyday and remind myself of this… stay true to me. It’s not easy sometimes. Mistakes have been made along the way. There’s a way to do this and still be with the people you love.
I was validated about this regret for myself and my clients when I read Bronnie Ware’s book: The Top Five Regrets of the Dying. It’s the #1 regret of the dying.
If you feel you’re not living a life true to yourself – start now!
It’s never too late.
I’m here to serve and help you become the one who lives their life is based on their true self.
I wake up everyday with this on my mind because I know it’s what I’m meant to do for myself and my clients.
Let me know if I can help.