



with LoriAnne Reeves

“Money isn’t everything but it touches almost everything in your business.”

You inherit your Money DNA just like your Physical DNA. There are many hidden dynamics that limit entrepreneurs in business. Business owners are astounded by the unconscious loyalties they carry and surprised by the effects in their business. 

You inherit your patterns, thoughts, feelings, actions and outcomes around money and sales from generations before you, your family systems, your experiences and your environment. And it plays out in your business every single day.

Statistics and research bears that out because over 80% of entrepreneurs make less than $60,000/year. After you pay taxes, team and expenses needed to run your businesses, there is very little left to pay yourself. The facts are that business owners carry the highest proportion of debt.

In the end, business owners live in entrepreneurial poverty. Let alone what this poverty and stress does to their relationships and themselves.

Sales and money are the lifeblood of your business. To have an impact with others who hire you, you need income that supports the business and yourself so you can continue to grow and have the depth of transformation for your clients.

How you think about sales and money and your money behaviors are two separate issues. Money isn’t necessarily fixed, but rather a complex set of data points, challenges and opportunities you circle around, interact with and have feelings about – lots of feeling!

I’ve been there – a couple of times!

It’s why I’ve put together all my own experiences and the work I’ve done personally over the years. And the experience with working with over 10,000 clients, as a Leadership & Business Strategist, a Professional Psychotherapist, a Neuroscience Human Potential Expert, and being a successful business owner for nearly 25 years.

It’s the reason why we help you with your psychology, neuroscience and relationships that are affected and then we create the customized strategy that works for you and your business.

No Sales. No Money. No Business.

No matter what you and your business do, it’s that simple.

The business of being in business has become complicated.

Everyone states that all you need to do is buy their service or products and you’ll make more money. There is so much noise out there that most business owners try one tool or technique over and over again without much success instead of looking where they need to start.

LoriAnne Reeves

To be successful in your business, you’ve got to build it and grow it from the inside out with the right strategies based on your uniqueness in your market - impact and income!

Sales and money are not about fear, anxiety or ignoring money - it’s a relationship.

To have a fuller life for yourself, your business needs…..

The numbers are not as important as you experiencing what we call Money Relaxation. That’s what all businesses want – to be able to have peace and relaxation around their income. You don’t want to settle, compromise or make do. It’s time to stop.

Your relationship with money relaxation determines…..

That relationship began way back sometimes even before you were born. You just inherited its themes and then repeated them.

The whole world is in a relationship with money. Frequently in disappointing ways because we fear it instead of embracing it as a friend.

With our clients, we consider all of you in your business – your expertise, your leadership and your strategy where it intersects with your psychology, neuroscience and your relationships. Our proprietary system of eye-opening, full immersion experiences is the key to bringing it all together.

A Money DNA Consult starts with you taking a deep dive around your sales and money. If you’re thinking it’s just mindset – STOP. Mindset doesn’t work as is. If it did, everyone would have consistent monthly revenue and have a sustainable and profitable business that has impact out there.

This consult is a combination of psychology, neuroscience and relationship work. As we start having those pieces show up, we develop the strategy that’s best for you and gives you the right results. It’s a series of customized, eye-opening, interactive, full immersion experiences that is a game changer for business owners.

If you want to have…..

Money DNA Consults Include the Following:

One 45 minute Zoom call for the initial assessment and set up for our full immersion experience.

A 2 hour Zoom Call. You will experience a full immersion into your money relationships. Know your psychological barriers. Upgrade your brain around sales. Develop a strategic blueprint around your impact + income.

Two 30 minute Zoom follow up calls. These calls are for you to continue developing your blueprint, business support and Q+A.

Text and email support.

Book - SuperGlue to Sales.

If you have questions to evaluate whether you are a good fit for this program, schedule a time here to speak with LoriAnne.

Dimensional Interactive Mapping™
Money DNA Consult

Ready for a GAME CHANGING Experience so money and sales give you money relaxation.

© 2023 lorianne reeves